Beauvais Center

To be a high-quality experiential mentoring environment that will inspire and equip leaders to discover a vision for their lives, enabling them to LEAD, CREATE and INFLUENCE society in a way that honors GOD

LayLife Ministries has a BOLD vision to build a 21st century mentorship hub to house all our organisational programs. LayLife sees the need for building a permanent base to participate in the emerging trends of the 21st century affecting our growing youthful population in Uganda. This hub will have the capacity to operate day and multi-day programs with multiple constituencies.

We are building one of the largest mentoring hub in Uganda where emerging entrepreneurs will forge meaningful friendships, deepen their spirituality, spur creative imagination, and innovation to transition ideas into scalable economic and social development solutions.

The Beauvais Center has a chapel, creative rooms, conference, library, accommodation, and mentors forming an ecosystem that enables leaders and entrepreneurs from all walks of life to tackle Uganda's toughest problems.

We see a lot of potential in so many young people in Uganda and we as an organization God has called us to do something to unlock that MASSIVE potential.

Every person is made in the image of God and should have the opportunity to thrive by leveraging their opportunities, gifts, and talents. So, environment, continuous mentoring & a community of mentors are foundational for personal growth, creative ideation, and entrepreneurial acceleration.

Goals & Objectives:

  1. To be a high-quality experiential mentoring hub that will gather to equip Entrepreneurs and Leaders with Character, Faith & Purpose driven programs that inspire a high impact life.
  2. To be a go to destination for professionals, entrepreneurs & couples, small interest groups who need to recharge and re-connect with themselves, others, nature & their creative self.
  3. To be a spiritual haven for inspiration, collaboration, community, and creative imagination.
  4. To provide a nourishing space and unparalleled support system, infrastructure, environment to host retreats, events, and sessions in the area of people formation, Board meetings, Spiritual retreats, entrepreneurship Accelerator programs, Men/Women programs & Marriage retreats.

The center is committed to operate in a fiscally responsible manner. There is the realisation that perpetuity of Center programs is dependent on maintaining a budget that pays for all financial obligations. The Institute is committed to maintaining the building in a clean, well maintained, and beautiful campus that draws people to our programs